About Us

The culture and heritage of India will vouch for the fact that from the inception of the world till today,Brahmanas, with their irreversible faith,incredible knowledge and inexorable meditation, have been instrumental in the ornamentation of our society and the world at large.They live not for themselves but for the mankind. Their sole motto in life is ‘Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina ‘ i e ‘May happiness dwell everywhere’ Whenever the nation or the citizens go haywire , the Brahamanas ,being inspired by their sense of duty, have taken upon themselves the responsibility of projecting the right path to them.When the dominant rulers have tried to suppress their subjects,they, in the form of Lord Parashurama have successfully superceeded them.

The culture, circumstances and thought processes of individuals have largely been influenced and changed with changing times.Now westernization has become synonymous to modernization.Money, self indulgence and centralization have dominated over values, morals ,ethics and religion.The decline in Patriotism and respect for ones culture have paved way for division in class, community,region ,religiion and differences based on linguistics.These differences have finally resulted in diminishing our ancestral values.

In this era of diminution,the role played by the brahmanas is of great significance in regaining the vibrance and vitality in the society and amongst the individuals.Contemplating culturally or as destiny may have it,they have always shouldered the responsibility in moulding the nation.Hence it becomes quite mandatory for this section of our society to actively carry on this herculean responsibility and attain success .This can be possible only if there is an inflow and realisation of our culture and conscience reflecting our heritage.

keeping the aforesaid aim in mind,Mr Sushil Ojha ,a reputed philanthropist, put forward his suggestions that the entire society should walk hand in hand, discuss the conditions and circumstances and head towards attaining the betterment of the world.. The dedicated members of Rajasthan Brahman Sangh have vowed for the same and with the blessings of the Almighty are successfully treading in the desired direction.

Vipra Mahakumbh has heralded the objectives of National Integrity, Social Harmony and Community Development. Reiterating our dignified past and accepting the present challanges faced by our motherland, the Vipra Mahakumbh commenced its memorable programme on the 25th of December 2009 in Kolkata aiming at presenting our society with the objectives thus mentioned and concluded . the first Mahakumbh with great success on the 27th of December 2009. Inspired by the blessings of Goddess Saraswati (the Goddess of knowledge) on the pious banks of River Ganga in Bengal the Brahman Samaj Indulged into an elaborate discussion and began its journey in the direction of development of Indian Culture and Heritage .The Mahakumbh proved a great success in the process of the creation of such a society.

Intellegentsia from all over the country graced the occasion and became the proud beneficiaries of the knowledge thus dispersed and eagerly stepped forword towards the development of our society.Thereaftert the Vipra Samaj with its benevolent workers announced the beginning of a new era. Keeping up their optimistic mindset clubbed with Brahman unity a new international organisation was hereby announced.The Brahman Samaj which has been traditionally divided into various groups and subgroups shouted in unison “Bhagwan Parshuram Ki Jai ” “vipra ekta amar rahe ” “Awaz do hum ek hai”.

In order to discuss the achievements of the Vipra Mahakumbh, meetings were organised on 9th January 2010 in Kolkata,on 11th April in Mumbai and 1st May in Delhi the same year. On the auspicious eve of Sri Parshuram Jayanti on 15th may 2010 the foundation of an international organisation “VIPRA FOUNDATION ” was finally laid

So let us all vow for a new positive change and brighten our Earth with vigour and vitality all around us.